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Vi har fått følgende brev fra Zeltic som produserer veldig bra båter

Dear Janett Krefting Secretary of the Class Snipe of Norway,

We should to inform you that the shipyard ZELTIC is preparing for the World Championship 2017, which will be held in A Coruña, next summer.

We are pleased to inform you that ZELTIC has resumed full activity in December of last year after the shipyard had to stop the construction activity due to illness of our manufacturer Javier Miranda, already recovered by that.

For this event we will have several new snipes for rent during the competition, although they are limited to the available drives, therefore, in order to meet all requests, please pass it on to your members interested in competing in the championship with one of our snipes, which carry with maximum speed to your booking.

The snipes can be purchased at the end of the Championship. For any query, budget request or booking, we ask that you please get in contact with us via the e-mail info@zeltic .es.

Receive, Mr. Secretary, our most cordial greetings, with the hope of a happy New Year.